
Corporate Check Up

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Corporate Check Up

Corporate Check Up

"We are in business, sometimes I think how do we look from the outside?"

‘’Actually, we do not think we have a specific problem. But we do not see something because of business blindness. If our organization is like the body, what are our hearts, how are we, what are the kidneys* How much longer can feet pull this load? I wish there is a check up for corporation to provide us seeing the process,  the content and the changes. The most important one is how the interaction between people is. We are succesful in every issue but unfortunately we could not overcome communication gap.’’

 These sentences belong to a businessman. The need for information about how the institution is in general, how it works, and how it looks is increasing.
In corporate check up consultancy, it is aimed that the institution is to take a picture of the current situation, to transform the image into a multi-dimensional image with deepened analysis about the institution, not just a plain image, but to face the reality of the institution in a sense.

By this way without any unnecessary analysis and application, the picture about the institution is determined. This application for identification of the onset and the existing problems increases the objectivity of further studies.